Human Resource Management System

Managing human resources is one of the noteworthy and challenging tasks for an organization. To overcome this challenge Cloudcreative’s HRIS software can be an easy solution that gives you vast benefit to your organization and meet up the requirements of the business. Human Resources Information System (HRIS) software combines several systems and processes to ensure the easy management of human resources, business processes, and data.

All HR activities such as talent acquisition and retention, efficient man-power utilization, skill-set up-gradation and employee evaluation is efficiently maintained enabling the cost reduction of the company. Human resource professionals can utilize this system to facilitate workflow, improve efficiency, collect, store, and analyze information. HRIS package can be customized to the specific needs and requirements of the employer.

Our HR module is designed to solve your biggest HR problem – or all of your problems. Start with what you need now and add as you go.

                            Odoo • Text and Image

                            The Complete HRIS Solution

                            Key Highlights

                                 Salary Advance
                                 Interactive Theme
                                 HR Multi Company
                                 Shift Management
                                 Loan Management
                                 Employee Reminders
                                 Employee Branch/Department Transfer
                                 Advanced Employee Master
                                 Bio-metric Device Automation
                                 Appraisal Plans & Strategies
                                 HR Announcements
                                 Employee Insurance
                                 Employee Performance Evaluation
                                 Employee Income Tax
                                 Vacation Management
                                 Law Suit Management
                                 Appreciations & Memos
                                 Entry & Exit Checklist
                                 HR Documents Management
                                 Custody/Property Management
                                 Automation on Leave Request Mails.